The Kloser lab explores issues related to cognition and instruction in STEM education, especially K-12 science education. Recently, the lab has focused on three research strands:
- conceptions of STEM education and their implications for instruction;
- the correlation between core science instructional practices and student outcomes; and
- biology education
Click the title of the project to view the description.
Core Practices: UPTAKE
Quality Assessment in Science (QAS)
Quality Instruction in Science (e-QIS)
Reading Nature
STEM School Transformation
In review_Influences of professional development on middle school science teachers’ mental models of assessment practice.
Wilsey, M., Kloser, M., Borko, B., Rafanelli, S. Middle School Science Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment Practice Throughout a Year-long Professional Development Experience.
2019_Teaching and Teacher Education
Kloser, M., Wilsey, M., Madkins, T., Windschitil, M., (in press). Connecting the dots: Linking frameworks for facilitating discussion to novice teacher practice. Teaching and Teacher Education.
2018_School Science and Mathematics
Kloser, M., Wilsey, M., Immonen, A., Navotas, A., Twohy, K. (in review). “We do STEM”: Unsettled conceptions of STEM education in middle school STEM classrooms.
Rafanelli, S., Borko, H., Kloser, M., Wilsey, M. (2018). From focusing on grades to exploring student thinking: A case study of change in assessment practice. In Fives, H. and Barnes, N. (Eds) Data use. London: Routledge.
2018_NSTA Press
Kloser, M. and Troy, S. (2018). Reading nature: Engaging biology students with evidence from the living world. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
2018_National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Kloser, M. (2018). The nature of the teacher’s role in supporting student investigations in middle and high school science classrooms: Creating and participating in a community of practice. A report commissioned by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Washington D.C.
2018_In P. Grossman and M. Franke (Eds), Teaching core practices in teacher education.
Kelly-Peterson, M., Davis, Ghousseni, H., Kloser, M., and Monte-Sano, C. (2018). Rehearsals as approximations of practice. In P. Grossman and M. Franke (Eds), Teaching core practices in teacher education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
2017_Science Education
Kloser, M., Borko, H., Martinez, F., Stecher, B., Luskin, R. (2017). Evidence of middle school science assessment practice from classroom-based portfolios, Science Education, 101(2), 209-231.
2017_Journal of Science Teacher Education
Davis, E., Kloser, M., Windschitl, M., Wells, A., Carlson, J., Marino, J-C. (2017). Teaching the practice of leading sense-making discussions in science: Using rehearsals, Journal of Science Teacher Education, 28(3), 275-293.
2017_Cultural Studies in Science Education
Kloser, M., Wilsey, M., Hopkins, D., Dallavis, J. W., Lavin, E., and Comuniello, M. (2017). Dual identities: Organizational negotiation in STEM-focused Catholic schools. Cultural Studies in Science Education, 1-31.
2016_Journal of Science Education
Kloser, M. (2016). Alternate text types and student outcomes: An experiment comparing traditional textbooks and more epistemologically considerate texts, International Journal of Science Education, 38(16), 2477-2499.
2015_The Science Teacher
Kloser, M. and Wilsey, M. (2015). No blue ribbon: Reforming science fairs in middle and high school science education, The Science Teacher, 82(8).
2015_Studies in Higher Education
Kloser, M. J. and Brownell, S. E. (2015). Toward a conceptual framework for measuring the effectiveness of course-based undergraduate research experiences in undergraduate biology. Studies in Higher Education, 1 – 20.
2014_Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Kloser, M. (2014). Identifying a core set of science teaching practices: A Delphi expert panel approach. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(9), 1185 – 1217.
2014_Environmental Education Research
Kloser, M. & Bofferding, L. (2014). Middle and high school students’ conceptions of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Environmental Education Research.
2013_Journal of College Science Teaching
Kloser, M., Brownell, S., Fukami, T., Shavelson, R. (2013). Effects of a research-based ecology lab course: A study of non-volunteer achievement, self-confidence and perception of lab course purpose. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(3), 72 – 81.
2013 _Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Kloser, M. (2013). Exploring high school biology students’ engagement with more and less epistemologically considerate texts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(10), 1232 – 1257.
2013 _Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education
Brownell, S., Kloser, M., Fukami, T., & Shavelson, R. (2013). Context Matters: Volunteer Bias, Small Sample Size, and the Value of Comparison Groups in the Assessment of Research-Based Undergraduate Introductory Biology Lab Courses. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education : JMBE, 14(2), 176–182.
2018_NARST_Atlanta, GA
Rafanelli, S., Borko, H., Kloser, M., Wilsey, M. (2018). Science teachers’ changing assessment practices: Case studies of individual change through PD and professional collaboration. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Research on Science Teaching. Atlanta, GA.
2018_AERA_New York, NY
Kloser, M., Borko, H., Wilsey, M., Rafanelli, S. (2018). Leveraging portfolios in professional development for middle school science teachers’ assessment and data-use practice. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York, NY.
2018_AERA_New York, NY
Kloser, M., Wilsey, M., Madkins, T., Windschitl, M., Wells, A., Carlson, J., Davis, B. (2018). Connecting the dots: Secondary science teacher candidates’ uptake of facilitating discussions from teacher education experiences. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York, NY.
2018_AERA_New York, NY
Martinez, J. F., Stecher, B., Kloser, M….(2018). Measuring instruction using classroom artifacts and portfolios: Evidence from four recent studies. A Symposium for Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education. New York, NY.
2018 _AERA_Washington, DC
Davis, B., Kloser, M., Windschitl, M., Wells, A., Carlson, J. (2016). Teaching the practice of leading sensemaking discussions in science: Using rehearsals. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association. Washington DC.
2017_NARST_San Antonio, TX
Kloser, M., Gottlieb, J., Wilsey, M., Svarovsky, G. N., Kirkland, P., Puricelli, J. (2017). Exploring the relationship among middle grade teacher’s conceptions of STEM and equity. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Research on Science Teaching. San Antonio, TX.
2017_AERA_San Antonio, TX
Rafanelli, S., Borko, H., Kloser, M., Wilsey, M. (2017). From focusing on grades to exploring student thinking: A case study of change in assessment practice. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Antonio, TX.
2016_NARST_Baltimore, MD
Kloser, M., Borko, H., Wilsey, M., Rafanelli, S. (2016). Science teachers’ use of data for instructional decisions: Mental models of middle school science assessment practice. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Research for Science Teaching. Baltimore, MD.
2016_NARST_Baltimore, MD
Kloser, M., Wilsey, M., Hopkins, D., Dallavis, J., Lavin, E., Comuniello, M. (2016). Dual identities: Toward a framework for STEM-focused Catholic schools. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Research for Science Teaching. Baltimore, MD.
2016_EARLI_Oslo, Norway
Martinez, F., Riedell, K., Rocchio, R., Srinivasan, J., Kloser, M., Wilsey, M., Stecher, B. (2016). Next generation tablet e-portfolio tool for documenting and reflecting on instructional practice: Possibilities for teacher evaluation and development. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Oslo, Norway.
2016_AERA_Washington, DC
Martinez, J. F., Kloser, M., Srinivasan, J., Riedell, K., Stecher, B., Rocchio, R., Wilsey, M., Tangmunarunkit, H. (2016). A tablet-based teacher e-portfolio tool for documenting and reflecting on next generation science instruction. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association. Washington DC.
2014_NARST_Pittsburgh, PA
Kloser, M., Borko, H., Martinez J. F., Stecher, B., Luskin, R. (2014). Portraits of assessments: The intended and enacted assessments in middle school science classrooms. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Research for Science Teaching. Pittsburgh, PA.