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Advanced Placement Excellence in Catholic Schools (APECS)         partners with Catholic high school teachers across the United States, empowering their students to be a force for good.

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Advanced Placement Excellence in Catholic Schools (APECS) is an extension of the Advanced Placement Teacher Investment Program, a non-profit program of the Institute for Educational Initiatives and the Center for STEM Education at the University of Notre Dame.

Since its inception in 2021, Advanced Placement Excellence in Catholic Schools has partnered with educators to create accessible and challenging learning environments that advance all students’ post-secondary readiness.

Benefits of the APECS Program

APECS provides funded professional development experiences that support high-quality teaching and learning in AP math, science, and English courses.

As an APECS teacher, you’ll

  • Network with colleagues
  • Share resources and best practices
  • Explore new instructional techniques or strategies
  • Reflect on individual professional goals, student outcomes, and the intersection of faith and education

APECS teachers are included in all AP-TIP sponsored professional opportunities (use the menu on the left side of the page to learn more about each event) and meet together in professional learning communities with other APECS teachers.

Teachers receive a stipend of up to $1,240 for full participation in program events (e.g., AP Summer Institute, Mock Exam), including PLCs, and teachers may earn financial awards for reaching enrollment and achievement goals.

About the Application

Teachers interested in participating in the program complete an application that 1) assesses current participation and outcomes in AP courses and 2) allows the applicant to elaborate on his or her vision for professional growth as a member of an APECS cohort.     

  • The application to APECS Cohort C contains both quantitative and qualitative portions.
  • While the application can be completed in multiple sittings, many applicants find that having required data at the ready expedites form completion and reduces potential form access/save errors.
  • The application to Cohort C is due on March 11th, 2025. An email will be sent to you upon completion of the application. Please note, only completed applications will be considered for cohort membership.

After a teacher submits the online application, the application will be reviewed by program staff.

  • Teachers may receive an invitation to an online, follow-up meeting with program representatives.

Applicants can expect to receive notice of their acceptance or deferral by April 2025.

  • If you are extended an offer to join APECS Cohort C and accept the invitation, you will be provided a Letter of Support to share with your administration. This letter must be signed to approve your participation in the program.
Cohort C Application
Questions about the application process or about your school’s specific application may be directed to:
Stephanie Kucsera, Program Director for Academics - 
Karen Morris, Program Director for Operations - 
Contact Information  School address
Your contact information
Principal's contact information
School Enrollment Data  Current school enrollment data including:
  • Enrollment disaggregated by grade
  • Enrollment within each grade disaggregated by sex, race/ethnicity, and FRL-qualifying status
College-Readiness Context
  • Percent of graduating class enrolling in a two- or four-year college
  • Percent of graduating class participation rates for AP courses
  • Knowledge of whether students enrolled in AP courses at your school are required to take the AP Exam corresponding to the course(s) in which they are enrolled
Course Data  Previous year's AP math, science, and English enrollment data for any AP courses you taught, including:
  • Number of years you instructed each course
  • Total enrollment in each course
  • Number of students who took the AP Exam in each course, as applicable
  • Number of AP qualifying scores (3, 4, or 5) in each course, as applicable

Current AP math, science, and English course data for any AP courses you teach, including:

  • Number of years you have instructed that course
  • Total enrollment in each course



For questions related to the application process, please contact
Karen Morris at  or Stephanie Kucsera at