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STEM pattern

Core Practices: UPTAKE

Core Practices: Using Productive Talk to Kindle Engagement (UPTAKE)


August, 2011 - Present

Research Team

Matt Kloser (Notre Dame), Mark Windschitl (Washington), Betsy Davis (Michigan), Janet Carlson (Stanford), Andrea Wells, Matt Wilsey (Notre Dame), Tia Madkins (Notre Dame), Erin Lavin (Notre Dame), Kyra Twohy (Notre Dame), Audrey Immonen (Notre Dame), Emma

Funder and Grant Size

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $400,000; Trustey Family STEM Teaching Fellows, $2,500,000


Research on teaching practice has recently gained attention as an effective lever for improving student engagement and achievement. Recent studies have shown that even more than years of teaching experience or degree held, the instructional practice that occurs in K-12 classrooms is the best predictor of student learning. Given the limited amount of time and resources available for preparing new teachers, identifying and helping novices take up a small set of effective, content-specific practices, has great potential for improving the education of students in our nation's schools.

This program of researching draws on the emerging work of core instructional practices. Fueled by work with the Core Practice Consortium (, this series of studies focuses specifically on how science teachers learn and engage core practices like facilitating sensemaking discussions and how students participate in these experiences.



Publications associated with this project:

Kloser, M., Wilsey, M., Madkins, T., Windschitil, M., (in press). Connecting the dots: Linking frameworks for facilitating discussion to novice teacher practice. Teaching and Teacher Education.

Davis, E., Kloser, M., Windschitl, M., Wells, A., Carlson, J., Marino, J-C. (2017). Teaching the practice of leading sense-making discussions in science: Using rehearsals, Journal of Science Teacher Education, 28(3), 275-293.

Kloser, M. (2014). Identifying a core set of science teaching practices: A Delphi expert panel approach. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(9), 1185 – 1217.

Kelly-Peterson, M., Davis, Ghousseni, H., Kloser, M., and Monte-Sano, C. (in press). Rehearsals as approximations of practice. In P. Grossman and M. Franke (Eds), Teaching core practices in teacher education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

Kloser, M., Wilsey, M., Madkins, T., Windschitl, M., Wells, A., Carlson, J., Davis, B. (2018). Connecting the dots: Secondary science teacher candidates’ uptake of facilitating discussions from teacher education experiences. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching. Atlanta, GA.

Davis, B., Kloser, M., Windschitl, M., Wells, A., Carlson, J. (2016). Teaching the practice of leading sensemaking discussions in science: Using rehearsals. A Paper for the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association. Washington DC.