Benefits for Fellows
- Longitudinal professional growth in STEM teaching, learning, assessment, and leadership
- A national community of practitioners with a strong cohort model
- Content-specific instructional coaching over two school years
- Approximately 100 hours of PD each year that can be used for re-certification
- Travel, lodging, and meal expenses paid for Summer Institutes and RISE Summits
- $4,500 stipend across the duration of the program
- $2,000 annually for years 1 & 2; $500 for summer 3/on-going data collection
Cost for Fellows

Benefits for Schools
- Approximately 250 total hours of professional development for each Fellow from the school
- Connection to a national network of schools committed to quality STEM Education
- Development of STEM teacher leaders who will help develop a 5-year school-wide STEM vision
- A two-day administrator on-campus professional development session during the second summer
- An investment of $18,000 per Fellow of professional growth (a team of 3 would have a $54,000 professional development investment)
Investment for Schools
- $1000 per Fellow, for the first two years of the program
- Title funds may be used towards this investment; financial aid also available for schools requiring assistance
- Ability to pay is not a deciding factor for acceptance into the program