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Matthew Kloser

Associate Professor


Matthew Kloser is the Hackett Family Director of the Institute for Educational Initiatives and a faculty member in science education at the University of Notre Dame. He founded the Notre Dame Center for STEM Education in 2012 and served as its director until 2024.

Dr. Kloser’s research focuses on issues of teaching, learning, and assessment in science classrooms with a special focus on biology education. His research includes experimental studies that identify affordances and constraints of learning biology from different text types, mixed methods studies focused on assessment implications for student outcomes, and the relationship between core instructional practices and student outcomes.

Dr. Kloser, with Edna Tan (University of North Carolina at Greensboro) and Dana Vedder-Weiss (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), have been named the Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST) for the term 2025-2029.

Dr. Kloser received his M.Ed. through the Alliance for Catholic Education program at the University of Notre Dame and taught high school physics and math for five years prior to earning his M.S. in biology and Ph.D. in science education from Stanford University.


Selected Publications


The Notre Dame Center for STEM Education is housed within the Institute for Educational Initiatives. View additional information about Matthew Kloser on his IEI webpage.


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