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Apply to Cohort 13

An application to join the Advanced Placement
Teacher Investment Program can be the first step
toward long-term growth in AP programming at your school.

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About the Application

Schools interested in participating in AP-TIP complete an application process that assesses both the status quo for rigorous coursework at their school and the school community's capacity for growth. The questions on the application include both written responses of a qualitative nature and questions that require quantitative responses.


While the application for Cohort 13 is not yet open, the following information is requested in an application to the Advanced Placement Teacher Investment Program:

  • School address
  • Principal's contact information
  • Current school enrollment data including:
    • Enrollment disaggregated by grade
    • Enrollment within each grade disaggregated by sex, race/ethnicity, and FRL-qualifying status
  • Percent of graduating class enrolling in a two- four-year college
  • Awareness of other "early college credit" programs (IB, dual credit) offered at your school, as applicable, including exam participation rates
  • Awareness of career-readiness programs offered at your school, as applicable, including participation rates
  • Knowledge of whether your school uses the AP Potential tool
  • Knowledge of whether students enrolled in AP courses at your school are required to take the AP Exam corresponding to the course(s) in which they are enrolled
  • Previous year's AP math, science, and English enrollment data including:
    • Total enrollment in each course
    • Number of students who took the exam in each course
    • Number of AP qualifying scores (3, 4, or 5) in each course
  • Current AP math, science, and English course data including:
    • Names of teachers assigned an AP course
    • Number of years each teacher has instructed that AP course
    • Number of students enrolled in each AP course teacher
    • Demographics of enrolled students (sex, race/ethnicity, and FRL-qualifying status)

Please be sure to inform all stakeholders (teachers, administration, and families) of your school's intent to work with AP-TIP toward growth in AP program offerings, access, and outcomes.

An email will be sent to you upon completion of the application. Please note, only completed applications will be considered for cohort membership. 

For questions related to the application process, please contact
Karen Morris at  or Stephanie Kucsera at