11:36:53 From Gregory Macklem : The students working/parents not working thing is not something that had occurred to me. 11:37:28 From Gregory Macklem : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NHsNiGn7lCLWw9zNHAaPmWZTlGp4mieI?usp=sharing 11:38:49 From Jeffrey Swisher : I am 11:38:57 From Ryan Dunfee : I am 11:44:20 From Ryan Dunfee : we have both done, I just have them double checking the rubric before they final submit 11:44:22 From Pete Morey : have done explore - create is to do 11:45:22 From Marilyn Brunk : We are working on the explore tasks. My create task is completed but not everyone has uploaded the create. 11:45:48 From Marilyn Brunk : I heard the same thing 11:45:50 From Ryan Dunfee : I've heard 60/40 as well but nothing final 11:46:06 From Pete Morey : sorry, I'm checking AP site 11:48:42 From Pete Morey : Has the AP provided guidance/lenience on returning CSP work to students? It was always hammered home that files could ONLY be returned if... o Is the wrong submission o Is corrupt or not readable o Cannot be opened due to some other technical error 11:49:06 From Pete Morey : absolutely 11:49:31 From Pete Morey : Sorry the absolutely was for AP Classroom 11:50:26 From Pete Morey : I agree, that does seem reasonable, but also seems very un-College Board! 11:50:34 From Ryan Dunfee : If a student says they uploaded the wrong file, we don't really know if maybe they had updated their work and needed to submit a new file 11:50:39 From Gregory Macklem : I'll see if I can find out some additional details from College Board, given the change in the exam itself mid-stream. 11:52:19 From Rita Buhite : We have not started, but I am using Edhesive, so the curriculum should be OK. We are waiting to hear from Supt to get direction 11:52:23 From Ryan Dunfee : After We are required to have 2 live Zoom sessions with our students each week and have 1 office hour each day 11:52:35 From Marilyn Brunk : When my students do the explore. I ask them to write one section a day. But my students are finishing up the last practice explore. I am struggling to get them to complete a section a day. 11:53:56 From Marilyn Brunk : I grade for completion only. 11:54:04 From Pete Morey : We do completion for submission 11:54:24 From Jeffrey Swisher : I had them do a checklist and planning document each day. What was planned today, what did I accomplish yesterday, what were some challenges. 11:54:38 From Marilyn Brunk : No tme 11:54:39 From Gregory Macklem : How is that working so far, Jeffrey? 11:54:53 From Jeffrey Swisher : I gave extra credit if they turn it in on that day. 11:55:09 From Marilyn Brunk : Did the extra credit work? 11:55:27 From Ryan Dunfee : We were told we have to grade any assignment we give during this time and we have to email them if it is missing. If they still don't turn it in, our counselors are contacting the students and parents 11:56:15 From Ryan Dunfee : If the students turn in poor quality work we return it to them to fix it 11:56:25 From Pete Morey : It just dawned on me, we did this (Jeff's checklist) as a daily stand up while working on create the last two years. Didn't really think ahead to do this remotely this year 11:59:32 From Jeffrey Swisher : We have three stages - after 2 days - they get a message, after 3 days - a message to parents and students, after 4 days the teacher physically calls 12:02:02 From Gregory Macklem : https://stemeducation.nd.edu/ap-tip-in-webinars-2020 12:02:13 From Pete Morey : Thanks Suzy, thanks everyone! 12:02:25 From Jeffrey Swisher : Are the videos of the walkthrough of the solutions on the document provided 12:02:42 From Suzy Lebo : Yes they are you tube links 12:03:04 From Steven Daly : Suzy: you said students have a 5 day window to turn in assignments. What is the process/consequences when a student misses that window? 12:04:10 From Marilyn Brunk : Suzy is your school 1-1? 12:05:15 From Rita Buhite : Thank you! 12:05:20 From Jeffrey Swisher : thank you 12:05:20 From Ryan Dunfee : Thank you 12:05:21 From Marilyn Brunk : thank you 12:05:27 From Steven Daly : thanks